This is my academic and work related news.

You and Your Big Heart Will Win

For the last 6 years I’ve dabbled in many things, but only one thing consistently. I’ve been running this weekly event, DLCT, rarely missing any week, for 6 years straight. The format of DLCT is simply, “talks”: a speaker comes to talk about a deep learning paper (usually one of their own), and engage with the audience (of a size between 40 to 80 on average) for an hour.

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I Hope You Still Try

Hello, future you.

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Two Years of MLC: My Protests

A little over a year ago, I wrote a 6000-word retrospective, A Year of MLC: Selfish Takes Only, reflecting on building ML Collective, the non-profit and non-traditional researchers community, for a full year.

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I Write ✍️

It probably doesn’t surprise you that I write.

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Behind the Talk

As my narrowness talk accumulated 10k views in 3 days, I feel like clarifying a few behind-the-scene facts.

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A Year of MLC: Selfish Takes Only

In a year, I received and answered roughly two hundred emails from people of divergent walks of life, sharing a seemingly universal pain: finding it hard to “make it” in ML research.

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A Project

A personal update: I am full time running ML Collective now.

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Last Email

This is a last email sent from rosanne@uber, on my last day, and the last day of Uber AI Labs, after 3.5 years.

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I had a fun time chatting with Sara and Sean at their fantastic Underrated ML podcast.

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OKKK New Video for Real

Learn about PPLM in 5 mins!

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New video!

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Upcoming Talks 2/20, 2/24, 3/4

I have a few speaking engagements coming up, including one that’s perhaps my favorite thing in the world—co-presenting with Jason!

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Meet Wooly

Meet Wooly the mammoth! We’ve been experimenting ways to “steer” it with a mouse. Is it possible?

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Talk at IEEE GESSC (link to video and slides)

Hi! Earlier last week I gave a keynote talk at IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference.

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ICLR 2020, submission day

Nothing to say. Except:

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I was at Long Beach, CA for ICML / CVPR 2019, and, two things:

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Guest lecture (link to video)

This June I gave a guest lecture at the Applied Deep Learning course organized by OpenAI and Weights & Biases.

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Deconstructing Lottery Tickets

A new blog post about our latest work, explaining and deconstructing The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis, is live!

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International Women's Day

Hi all! Happy International Women’s Day! I am very honored to be included in this 30 Under 30 Rising Starts in AI list, on this very special day.

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NeurIPS Presence

We had three work presented at NeurIPS this year.

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Science Symposium

I organized the Deep Learning and Deep Learning Infrastructure track for the 1st Uber Science Symposium.

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Women in Data

I gave a talk at the Moving The World With Data event organized by our own Women in Statistics, Data, Optimization and Machine Learning (WiSDOM) employee resource group at Uber.

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So We Made a Video

So we made a 8-min video describing our newest research; it is released right before ICML 2018.

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